ACERD launches two calls for applications to recruit qualified trainers and students for DRE course

ARE Partner ACERD is launching two separate call for application to recruit qualified trainers and students for a DRE course. The modules covered include: Discovery and learning to use renewable energies Discovery of a photovoltaic system Project management – public […]

New publication: State of the Decentralised Renewable Energy Sector in India

Decentralised Renewable Energy (DRE) has tremendous potential to deliver social as well as economic benefits in a carbon-neutral and equitable manner. This report strongly brings out the multi-faceted potential of DRE in India through inputs from various major stakeholders in […]

ARE on doubling down efforts to deliver SDG 7 at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue

The ARE team attended the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue on 19-20 March 2024, which is the largest and longest-running energy transition conference organised by the German government. Every year, it gathers government representatives, global business leaders, scientists, leaders of international […]

ARE on the power of off-grid renewable solutions at Transforming Energy Access Forum in Kigali

ARE CEO David Lecoque attended the Transforming Energy Access Forum on 13-14 March 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda. The event gathered government representatives, policymakers, innovators and investors to discuss the progress in energy access in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the […]

ARE advocates for clean energy access at Africa Energy Indaba

ARE attended Africa Energy Indaba to promote clean energy solutions and connect with the industry across Africa. ARE, with its partners GOGLA, Get.Invest and Global Distributors Collective (GDC), co-organised two sessions titled “Distributed Renewable Energy: Investing in a Clean Energy […]

ARE Delegation at the Uganda-EU Business Forum

The ARE Delegation attended the Uganda-EU Business Forum (UEUBF), which is one of the largest business meetings in Uganda designed for mobilising investments into Uganda and strengthening Ugandan exports, contributing to the partnership between Uganda and the European Union. The […]

ARE highlights the potential of rural mini-grids at the Future of Energy Summit in Amsterdam

The Alliance for Rural Electrification contributed to the conversation on mini-grids during the Future of Energy Summit that took place from 29 February to 1 March 2024 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Julia von Franz, Policy & Advocacy Officer, moderated the panel […]

ARE Delegation prepares for Uganda-EU Business Forum

The ARE delegation will actively participate in the event, discussions and networking activities with policymakers, local entrepreneurs, international investors, financiers, industry experts and academics. The Uganda-EU Business Forum (UEUBF) is organised by the EU together with its Member States, in […]

ARE , avec le soutien de l’ADEME et l’initiative CORE, ont renforcé les avantages des utilisations productives des énergies renouvelables dans les zones rurales du Cameroun

Une campagne de sensibilisation sur l’utilisation productive des énergies renouvelables a été menée conjointement par l’Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) et CORE, avec le soutien de l’Agence de la transition écologique (ADEME), et a été mise en oeuvre par Community […]

L’ARE, avec le soutien de l’ADEME et l’initiative CORE, encouragent l’utilisation productive des énergies renouvelables au Bénin

Une campagne de sensibilisation sur l’utilisation productive des énergies renouvelables a été menée conjointement par l’Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) et CORE, avec le soutien de l’Agence de la transition écologique (ADEME), et a été mise en oeuvre par Clean […]