Year: 2021
Decentralised Renewable Energy Solutions for Inclusive and Sustainable Mining
The global mining sector is currently facing a conundrum. As a growing energy and emission-intensive industry, the mining sector continues to be exposed to policy and regulatory risks arising from concerns of climate change and impacts on the environment. The […]
Status of the off-grid renewable energy market in Latin America & the Caribbean
In recent years, higher gross domestic product (GDP) and a more equal distribution of economic resources, alongside robust policy and regulatory frameworks and remarkable electrification efforts of the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) governments and international funding partners, have […]
Répertoire: Acteurs du secteur des énergies renouvelables au Togo
ARE en partenariat avec GIZ ProEnergie au Togo est fier d’annoncer la publication de l’annuaire des acteurs du secteur des énergies renouvelables au Togo. Le répertoire rassemble les principales parties prenantes locales telles que les organismes gouvernementaux, les entreprises locales, […]
ARE Annual Report 2020
2020 was a year of profound and structural change inside ARE, shaking things up for the better. Crucially, it was also a year where the sector demonstrated its drive to survive – underlying again its resilience and merit to attract […]
NREA Toolkit: A Guide for National Renewable Energy Associations
The NREA Toolkit: A Guide for National Renewable Energy Associations has been developed by GOGLA and SolarPower Europe with the support of GET.invest and Transforming Energy Access for Households and Improved Livelihoods Programme (TEA), funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), and in strategic partnership with ARE. This toolkit […]
Clean Energy Mini-Grid Policy Development Guide
Mini-grids have been identified as a critical tool towards achieving universal electricity access by governments, donors and private sector actors alike. To enable the sustainable deployment of mini-grids, the public and private sector need to cooperate. Policies and regulations which […]
Decentralised Renewable Energy Innovations to Boost Agri-Sector Productivity & Address Global Food System Challenges
Zero hunger can be achieved by providing energy beneficiaries with the means to produce, transform and consume food in a clean and sustainable way, thereby enhancing both their food security and nutrition. Agriculture is a source of livelihood for 86% of […]