  • West Africa

  • Burundi
Organisation type:
    Consulting Firms & Advisory Services
    Project Developers
Technology type:
    Solar PV
Business model:
    Dealers & Distributors
    Pay-as-you-go & Leasing

ReNewGen Burundi

Our unique strategy of working with reputable MFIs (Microfinance Institutions) enables us to boost sales to a high level of satisfaction. For example, FENACOBU has 600,000 customers and UCODE has 100,000 customers. If our company works with at least 20% of these members, this will enable us to achieve our objectives with ease. FENACOBU has national coverage.

Our range of energy products and services includes pico solar kits, lamps with phone chargers, SHS, income-generating kits, portable batteries and energy-saving and clean homes. Promotion of PURE (solar watermills and solar irrigation).

Our target customers are traders who want to light up their stalls at night, low-income households, farmers, schoolchildren, lamps with chargers: low-income households, members of the diaspora, schools and small shops.

We also sell to middle-income households, micro-businesses, agro-pastoral cooperatives, VSLAs, relatives in the diaspora, employees and civil servants, bars and shops. Remote rural households without access to grid electrification, due to the high cost of extension and low purchasing power. Community services and small farmers in remote locations/scattered settlements. Other groups located in medium-sized rural villages (or on the outskirts of villages) including artisans and retail/commercial activities.

We are selling solar products to households and youth cooperatives that keep chickens, as well as improved cook stoves in Kirundo, Ruyigi, Cankuzo, Makamba and other towns.