Organisation type:
    Consulting Firms & Advisory Services
Technology type:
    Solar PV

Laura Monteagudo Molina

Laura has +7 years of experience in the field of energy access and decentralised energy generation. Within the sector she has an extensive experience in project development, and in project management and finance. She also has experience in the analysis of regulatory frameworks, business models for mini-grids and commercial operations.

Before joining Sunkofa Energy, a start-up specialised in the development and operation of mini-grids in Africa, Laura was a commercial manager and consultant at Trame TecnoAmbiental, a consulting and engineering company specialised in mini-grids in Africa.

Prior to dedicating her career to access to energy, Laura worked at the Spanish Embassy in Thailand advising private companies in their investments within the country.

Laura graduated from University Carlos III in Spain, where she obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration.