  • South Asia
  • West Africa

  • India
  • Nigeria
Organisation type:
    Technology Suppliers & Innovators
Business model:
    Commercial & Industrial Use (C&I)
    Software as a Service (SaaS) & Digital Platforms
Member is the fitness tracker for energy systems, helping people world wide thrive through increased access to reliable, affordable and clean energy. We focus on helping people in developing countries who pay disproportionately high amounts for energy and are suffering from pollution caused by diesel generators. Our mission is to be the leading energy intelligence brand worldwide, helping to bridge the energy divide by increasing access to reliable power at the lowest cost. increases access to reliable and affordable energy in areas of inadequate grid supply, by improving the life and efficiency of distributed energy systems. Through plug-and-play sensors, mobile phone applications and web-based reporting, provides customers with the information they need to optimise energy usage, improve energy system health and safeguard backup power supplies.