Event dates:
February 24, 2025 to February 28, 2025

Gaborone, Botswana

6th International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference & Exhibition

The International Off-grid Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition (IOREC) is a flagship event of IRENA, offering a global platform for sharing experiences and best practices on various technology, policy, regulatory and finance aspects of off-grid renewable energy solutions highlighting its crucial role in the achievement of the climate and sustainable development objectives. The 6th IOREC will take place in Gaborone Botswana as a part of 2024 SADC Sustainable Energy Week from 24-28 February 2025, hosted by the Government of Botswana and organised by IRENA with the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) as an Exclusive Industry Partner. The conference is also supported by SADC Secretariat and SACREEE and technical partners.

The 6th IOREC will bring together officials, experts and practitioners from different regions of the world to deliberate on how off-grid renewables can help achieving SDG7, while supporting other sustainable development and climate goals. This year the conference is themed: Translating commitments to actions: off-grid renewables for socioeconomic development and climate action. During the event, participants will discuss enabling policies, financing schemes, innovative business models and technology applications for scaling up off-grid renewable energy. Particular emphasis will be attached on the topic of nexus between energy access and other key development priorities such as agriculture, food, and health services. The conference agenda also includes a demonstration trip to off-grid renewable energy sites in Botswana.

ARE will contribute to the session on “Mini-grids as infrastructure: barriers, opportunities, and lessons learnt.”

More information


Jens Jaeger   |   Director of Policy & Business Development   |   j.jaeger@ruralelec.org