  • Central Africa
  • Eastern Africa
  • Southern Africa
  • West Africa

  • United Kingdom
Organisation type:
    Non-governmental Organisations
Technology type:
    Energy Storage
    Solar PV

Energy 4 Impact powered by Mercy Corps

Energy 4 Impact (E4I), previously known as GVEP International, is a UK non-profit organisation seeking to reduce poverty through accelerated access and use of modern energy services. E4I’s strategy responds to some of today’s key development challenges, particularly in the areas of poverty, education, food security, health, displacement/refugees, and climate change. Our strategy includes four main themes:

  1. Resilience: helping populations live, work and cope successfully in a changing climate
  2. Women’s empowerment: enhancing economic growth by promoting fair participation by women
  3. Livelihoods: creating income and employment opportunities in local communities
  4. The poor & the vulnerable: ensuring the very poor, the displaced, and those living in remote areas are not left behind

To date, E4I’s work has:

  • contributed to over 18 million people receiving improved access to energy through a range of technologies, including efficient cookstoves, solar lighting, biogas, and mini-grids,
  • supported the development and growth of over 8,100 microbusinesses (of which 46% are women-owned), SMEs and companies in sub-Saharan Africa, and
  • resulted in 13 million tCO2 emissions being avoided thanks to the use of renewable technologies, $170 million raised and over 15,000 jobs created.