  • Germany
Organisation type:
    Universities & Research Organisations
Technology type:

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

The main objective of WISIONS is to make clean energy a default solution for basic energy needs in developing regions, by helping local partners to identify successes and bring them to scale through regional networks, marketing and demonstration. Read more about WISIONS activities, goals and background.

Three WISIONS activities support this goal:

  • Sustainable Energy Project Support – practical demonstration & testing of technologies and models with potential for scale.
  • Regional Partnerships & Networks – bringing technologies to scale.
  • Technology Radar & Research – identification of promising technologies & models to be scaled.

The WISIONS initiative has been actively promoting the introduction of sustainable energy solutions and resource efficiency since it was launched in 2004. During these years, WISIONS has not only become well established, it has also learned a lot about the barriers that still hinder the widespread dissemination of sustainable energy solutions and successful implementation models, especially in developing countries and emerging economies.
“WISIONS of sustainability” is an initiative by the Wuppertal Institute supported by the Swiss-based foundation ProEvolution.


Case studies